Tuesday, September 23, 2008

today has been great...

i met sophie for a short workout in the morning.. and continued alone after she left for school..
it's been a long while since i attended bodycombat.. which was really fun although my body felt very lazy to move.. and it was so crowded i couldnt kick properly..

den i attended bodypump for the 1st time..
like a suaku.. i juz took wadever the others took.. only using the minimal lightest weight..
and with those i already found it very xin ku.. while all the other weak looking counterparts were carrying weights 3 4 times of mine!

damn.. my knees hurting again.. i seriously cant do lunges.. or squats! any knee bending movement makes it painful.. but aint it suppose to be non damaging? hate my stupid weak knees! i wish they would become strong so i could have fun forever!

i went to the sauna room today.. a korean lady started a conversation with me..
she had to ask what book i was reading..
and i had to be reading a book about a lady who had lost 78lbs and looks oh so hot now but is afraid of ppl discovering her vintage self..
so i told the korean just that..

and she posted me this qns: "does that motivate u to lose weight?"
apparently she was refering to my flabby stomach with multiple folds..


in the evening.. i went to kallang..
met some er.. what u would say.. unfamiliar friends.. and many other new ppl..
it was eventually quite a delightful evening.. probably cuz i didn't expect much from it or about anything..

so yea.. there were ppl i don't think i could get along well with.. although i didnt get a chance to talk to them..

but then again.. there were also a few who were pretty friendly and we seem to be able to hit off not too badly.. although there was one whose mouth had lots of vulgarities released.. but surprisingly i cannot be really offended by it..

ok.. maybe juz a little.. cuz i dun dare to ask her to stop it.. and it's like her character..
i'm just afraid i'd be influenced..

well..hopefully i'll see more of them in time to come.. and that some new worthy friendships will form.. =)

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