Friday, November 7, 2008

oh crap!

i juz went to 'tui-na' again... like at 9am in the morning! and thus now im on time for class.. lol
i saw the sinsei the day before but kena sudden sharp pangs of pain yesterday and so went to rub again this morning...

it's all in hope of being able to maneuver better later for amazing race!
although it's a bit ridiculous cuz by right i should juz be resting the foot..
but by left... i dun wanna miss amazing race man!!

ytd was an unusual day.. going to ed's house.. and den going nus da bao lunch.. go koufu to eat our da bao-ed lunch.. and went to mount faber to waste time b4 trg! lol..
those crazy bunch of ppl... it's been a while since i went along to do weird stuff... they've been having many crazy activities recently!

ha.. and ytd i fell down! and landed on both palms again..
fortunately.. it's juz some really really minor scrapes and probably an orh che..
i would really not wanna be wrapped up in bandages looking like some thai boxer which i did few years ago after enduring a terrible fall off a bicycle in pulau ubin...
this time.. i flew off ed's back instead of a bicycle..

haiz.. i wonder how long more we'd be able to continue using unauthorized grounds.. i mean.. everything was a-ok till.. that one incident.. and now everytime it's gonna be a uncertain thing.. but it's really fortunate that we have really capable committees who really put in alot of effort in saving the day.. thanks!

many casualties last night... we should get a supply of 1st aid and counter pain!
hope everyone will recover soon...!!

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