Monday, March 16, 2009

the time now is 8.25pm.
in 5mins time, daddy will arrive at the round about below to bring me home.

right now, im sitting in a chair at the 4th table on the 4th floor of MP library.

i have been here since 1030 in the morning. stuck on the very same chair and table, while 3 different users have shared my table during the time i was here. it is currently now available.

this morning, i was supposed to have coaching. but presumingly cause of school holidays, few children turned up.. and all coaches did. so my aunt actually let me off to come over to the library to do my work! so nice? and i still get my pay. WOW.

i guess God's on my side, knowing vast my lack of time, giving me that 2 more hours of grace.

time just seems to fly. i was here when the sun was still not so hot, still it was suppose to be hot, but it juz rained the whole time.. and now the sky is pitch dark.

and all day long i only had a bottle of water to accompany. throat's really dry right now.

still, despite spending my entired day and night here at the library, i have not completed my HMT assignment! it is due tomorrow btw.. and i have less than 24 hours now. Dang.

it's 8.33 now! uh oh.. dad's gonna ring me any moment.

oh ringing..

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