Sunday, December 7, 2008


is the distance in kilometre which i covered this morning till afternoon!
race started at 530 la! woke up at 330 sleeping at 230!

this number was a no no easy achievement...
but i completed the standard chartered singapore marathon 2008!

all within 7 hours and 3 mins!
longer than the average of 6hours..

but i must say.. i'm quite proud of myself to actually be able to complete it given my starting physical situation of bad aches..and no preparation at all..

i managed a straight initial 7km jog till pain started to set in..
then it was walk and limp to 20km with some jogging in between..
it was not till i applied like tons of DEEP HEAT and took some GU food supplements that i managed to be able to do run and walk intervals again for some distance till like 30km.. then from there it was limp all the way to end.. and it wasnt until the last 50m did i try to "make a dash" to the finishing line..

i've dreamt of the 42.195km finisher shirt for a while..
and i've finally gotten it!!

that's the greatest pride i take..

it could've been much better if i was at least a bit more conditioned for it..

but considering the amount of pain.. that i was almost dragging each and every step.. yay! i cant believe i actually made it! =)
42km's like NEVER ENDING..

what's 10 after enduring 42?

now im aching like nobody's business..
i cant walk or move while lying down without feeling strained..
i guess it's gonna be a few days..

but i definitely don't regret the decision for taking up the challenge!

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