Monday, December 8, 2008

yam yeo

i visited yamuna juz now! she's sick.. but tt's not the reason for my visit la..

it's partly cuz she doesnt wanna come out cuz she's sick (apparently she just uses that excuse for EVERYTHING!)


i cant bathe cuz im sick..
i cant eat that cuz im sick..
i cant drink that cuz im sick..
i cant take photo cuz im sick!!


anw main reason is also cuz she's flying off to taiwan in about 15mins time!

so i thought i'd better juz catch up with her if not i have to wait long long for her return.. (with a present? lol)

ooh check out those 2 toys.. my guess was that yam bought those for some charity... turns out.. she made them herself! lol!! ugly.. but.. yea u get the credit la k! where's mine??

in the end i managed to finally force her to take picture with me cuz her aunt took a pic of us..

oh.. today.. i cooked chicken salsa + broccoli ALL BY MYSELF! all for a good cause..=)

although the splattering was still very scary and i had to siam away.. but yay! at least the chicken got cooked and it was exceptionally enjoyable!! =p

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