Thursday, February 5, 2009

2 days well spent!

went to ntu to play with bro and twins..
played horribly.. and the oily floor didnt help at all..

been really bad at badminton lately..
ok.. i've been bad since jc..

oh well.. i wanna and plan to play much more this year..
hopefully playing more will allow me to improve..

i bunked in at yam's room.. love her room! big, spacious, fan's not blowing directly.. we talked till about 3am.. b4 turning in..

i didnt sleep long..i was up b4 930 and couldnt get back to slp anymore..

we lazed around having hot chocolate and cereals when she asked me whether i wanted a planner..

she wanted to give me hers.. one she bought from taiwan..
really a nice planner.. too nice that i dunno how to use it.. the exact reason why she was willing to give me too (cuz too nice she also bu she de yong).. but i didnt take it..

like that loh yam.. dun wan jiu give me.. just like that bracelet..cuz too loose for u so u made it seem like u bought a present for me..
true friends ya!! i dun blame u for admiting.. lol!!

anw we spent some time doing some random tests provided at the back of the planner.. taiwanese are really into things like that..
im surprised my chinese is not that lousy.. for i could read quite a substantial amount of words off the pages..

sooner than not, i realised i was running late for quickly chiong pack up, bathe, and had a rushed but nice lunch with yam..
food at hall5's really cheap and alot and delicious!

unlike nus engineering food... actual prices were over the stated ones.. though still relatively cheap.. but horrible food!

so after sch, headed to nus to play another round of badminton with the girls!
this time played a little bit better.. though still made lots of uncalled errors (as usual la.. sian)..
but at least got more rallies!!
and loads of laughter during game.. and after game at supper.. and in the car as well! lol...

anw.. good luck to my girls and their love life!
valentine's coming soon!!!
hope nth too disasterous will happen!! haha..
wont la hor...

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