Sunday, February 1, 2009


i've stopped looking forward to chinese new years since a few years ago...
it's getting more and more boring..

visiting relatives i only see once a year.. with decreasing number of relatives' houses to visit too...

that means there's no one i can talk to (since i dun really noe them)..
and my ang bao collections are fewer as well..

but things took a turn on chu 3 when frens were more available..

when to kev's house to bai nian.. played with fireworks!
it was so cool to see them shooting into the sky right in front my own eyes...

kev came over on thurs..

sch on fri den badminton and supper at geylang!

sat was a long day...
sch.. den dance but no dance.. sqeezed 10 ppl in ryan's car to ling kopi for ideas.. but it was like useless too! so waste time.. but i still managed to get to crs's house.. den to elizabeth's at night..

today i went to my bestie's home.. and i had a great time being there..
i felt very comfortable there.. talking and laughing at silly stuff...
luckily this time it's not with all her relatives around! lol!
with yam.. everything's simple but heartwarming... =)

evening went to aunt's place.. gambled with the cousins..
kor kenneth's luck is totally flabbergasting..
he's was banker.. and either ban luck, ngor leng, or 18 take 2, 11 take Ace, 10 take Ace, if not starting cards are 19 or 20... WTH!!
most of us were sucked dry... and i'm with a negative owing to bro, jas n uncle richard.. haiz..

man in so many years.. how come i never win wan!!!!!!!!!!

i'm thinking.. maybe i should play something which requires skill instead on juz pure luck...

mahjong?? lol..
seems pretty popular..
everyone plays it but me.. maybe i should take it up..
i wanna take after casey...
some one teach me?!?!

probably nobody noes.. but i need to get this out..
i LOVE my brother ALOT..
well maybe not LOVE LOVE.. i dun really talk to him much..
but i've just sooo much respect for him.. i'm always so awed by his charisma..
do u think casey is charming?
nope, he definitely doesn't = handsome...
but he's an amazing guy in his own skin...
my brother, casey, he is.

well.. with the amount of money lost..
kev suggests i should go zou + soy sauce....
totally agree man.. every week budget spending $50..
how much can i save if i juz eat plainly? how long will i take??

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