Saturday, March 7, 2009


im suppose to b doing ER assignment while kevin studies for his test later in e morning at 10am.
yep.. it's 1.56am 8/3/09 sunday. n he has to go sch for test!
wth rite? :(

we're at bedok macs. i cant believe tt this stupid place has been renovated w/o powerpoints!!!!! and thus my daddy's lappy died on me within mins and i haven gt to type anything...

i juz fed my dear apples.. cute mini apples my mum made us bring along..
but my poor boi couldn't bite into e apples cuz of his braces! lol! quite fuiny to see him trying w/o any success.. haha

so being a very wonderful and loving gf, i help him bite pieces partly off e apple which then allow him to pull e pieces of e apple much more easily.. haha.. like a mum feeding a little baby..

anw danceworks competition is finally over! thanks to all those who came down to support! esp my parents n my dear boiboi.. and also thanks to those who went down but missed e performance.. lol..

well dun really know what to say bout e dance.. it was an experience no matter gd or bad, happy or sad.. we actually won e artistic award! which is satisfying for us le..

the end.

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