Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ms Lonely

here i am once again.. in the computer lab blogging away cuz i've got nth else to do!...

other than my assignment which i need to complete but i'm too lazy and too tired to do now..
and being sleepy.. which after using the internet and doing random stuff till i get bored, i'd go to the library to get a nap...

and hopefully after that there won't be so many ppl in the com lab or anywhere else and i'd feel more refreshed and be able to concentrate properly on analysising the current decreasing GDP trend..

from where im seated, i see my fren MP over the other side of the com lab! hmm i wonder why she's alone too.. but nope.. i'm not going over.. haha..she's prob doing her assignment.. and i'll be going to sleep later anyway..

so here's what happened and will happen during this week..
monday: met sc to study.. ended up sleeping.. -_-"
tuesday: met kev to study.. ended up chit chating.. =D
wednesday: no one to find.. ends up blogging and loning by myself =(
thursday: meeting mummy for lunch! :)
friday: basketball before bad! =P

ok.. perhaps this week's not so bad cuz i'd only be alone for today rite? that's like 1 in 6 (6 days of after school afternoons)..

he's asked to meet me! should i? should i not?
there's no reason not to that i can see..

even though we've ......
no longer ......

but i cant help but wonder what the feeling will be like.. or how i should feel or act..
awkward? relaxed? happy? sad?

too soon? it still feels weird to accept the REALITY that has happened... i don't know if i have... but..

i'd like to see him.. and so meet him i will..

this time is muz see if i got time anot loh! bleah!

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