Friday, October 17, 2008


i'm in sch again! but now's during lesson! and is at the laptop classroom!

i'm TIREd.. not unusual la hor.. but today's body's aching and soring!
not from badminton trg.. there wasnt really a trg..

but from some basketball!

yesterday, met kev, shaun, jack, ed to play ball.. lien didn't turn up..
we must have played pretty long as my left shoulder was burning from erm.. trying to shoot too many times?

let's see.. we started playing about 3..till 6! wow.. 3 hours of xiongness! Fantastic!!

it was quite fun cuz we played with other ppl.. (they came to challenge us!) .. although there was a few trashing.. most of the ppl were nice!

except a trio of idiots whom ed almost got into a fight with..
they totally had qian bian faces!!
although initiallly i was like.. well.. ppl are born with tt kinda ugly face.. but cannot cuz they ugly den don't play with them mah..

wah.. zhi ren zhi mian bu zhi xin.. behind those ugly faces were ugly character too!
so much so for 'don't judge the book by it's cover'..

these ppl came to our court and asked to play 3 on 3.. den we were ok.. 1st game was okok.. so after that they wanted to play another round.. so we went to rest and let them use our ball cuz apparently they were ball-less..

den when we were about to start 2nd round.. i was talking to ed.. and this guy with a huge nose stuck onto a retarded face A.K.A F***-FACE commented "eh flirt enough already not?".. which totally put me off within a split sec..
the look on my face must have changed right away w/o my own awareness because the next thing he said was "orh they angry liao..."

asshole(s)... normally i keep a distance and the guys keep a distance from me too.. but i was totally like nudging F***-Face out of my way during the game..

k la.. actually i wasnt feeling THAT MUCH of a tension until Beaver Mouth started playing foul which blew ed's top! woAh..

well.. Beaver Mouth must be really qian bian cuz he irritated kev since the 1st game already..

do i have to mention about idiot no.3? if not it doesnt complete the trio.. but i didnt really observe anything serious.. other then him looking like an old man.. lol..

so there u go.. quoted by kev..
If you know the BeeGees, you'd know Idiot Trio..

ahah. k la.. need to give some credits to Old Man, F*** Face and Beaver Mouth for being entertaining talk!

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